The One-Stop-Shop

This Windows 8 Application is engineered to take shopping to the next level by empowering the shopper with every utility necessary to make shopping as fast and efficient as possible. By combining multiple top rated shopping search engines and putting them in this application we can guarantee that it provides the shopper with top rated search results from certified sellers. With our user friendly Selector Interface, TriBrowse, and the ShoppingMaxer, The One-Stop-Shop provides the user with the power to find exactly what their shopping for at the best price all at the click of a button. (Privacy is disclosed as all purchases are made through Internet Explorer App which can be navigated to by simply clicking a button. No personal information required)


  • Selector Interface- userfriendly interface for selecting search engines.
  • TriBrowse- A triple browser to easily navigate between search engines
  • ShoppingMaxer- Allows the user to bring up a specifc search engines results for more indepth searching.

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1 comment


17 June 2013

Found what I wanted quickly!